1. Pada 30 Mac lepas jam 8.15 malam saya telah menyertai program Awani untuk membincangkan Model Ekonomi Baru (MEB) yang telah diumumkan oleh YAB PM pada sebelah paginya. Bersama-sama saya mengupas tajuk tersebut ialah Dato’ Dr. Mahani Zainal Abidin, KP dan CEO ISIS serta En. Helmi Halim, Pengarah Kanan, MIMOS. Anchornya ialah personaliti terkenal, En. Suhaimi.

2. Oleh kerana isu ini sedang hangat didebatkan melalui pelbagai platform maka saya ingin turut berkongsi beberapa reaksi yang saya terima melalui SMS:

• Sy setuju dgn kebimbangan Dk kerna apakah orang pendlmn Sabah dan Sarawak akn dpt faedahnya?

• Salam Yb Datuk, saya ucap tahniah atas soalan Datuk tentang rasa kerisauan orang Melayu dlm NEM dlm AWANI mlm mini. Berapa kerat lagi pemimpin2 Melayu yg berani bersuara dan punya political will untuk pertahankan maruah agama bangsa. Harap2 jgn menang sorak kampong tergadai. NEP pun tak boleh capai..mampukah bangsaku berlari sama laju mencapai MEB? Saya angkat topi kberanian Datuk menyindir penghisap darah sebenar subsidi. Tapi yg aku sedih bangsaku d perlekeh tak boleh hidup tanpa subsidi tapi sbnarnya merekalah yg curi minyak subsidi dan dapat untung besar dpd gula dan tepung subsidi.

• Tahniah sdr. Dtk Akbar. Tapi aku rasa kedudukan Melayu/Bumi d 2020 x dpt jawapn yang memuaskan, kena bawa dalam parlimen nanti.

• Apa itu de-manufacturing?

[As I have explained, it is a process of extracting ferrous / non-ferrous, metal / non-metal from old vehicles. The output can be used to produce related products.

The process consumes less energy and, at the same time, produces new energy. Malaysia can be the hub for this region by importing unused old vehicles from Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia and Singapore].

• Wakil Melayu dlm NEAC mcm luncai terjun dgn labu2-nya maka jadilah pagar makan padi.

• Idea lama yg dipakejkan semula.

3. Oleh kerana MEB ini akan menentukan masa depan kita maka semua rakyat berhak memberikan pendapat demi hendak menjaga kepentingan kaum masing-masing. Tidak perlu dicap sebagai racist. Semua pendapat/syor itu pastinya akan diolah dan digembeling oleh Kerajaan nanti agar delicate balance itu dapat diteruskan di bawah prinsip menang-menang.

4. Apa pulak komen pembaca blog saya?


  1. #1 by sputjam on April 1, 2010 - 3:23 pm

    I read your reply too late. So I missed the show. But malays have only themselves to blames for tolerating mediocre leaders and teachers/school system who misused emotional sentiments for personal gain.
    Coming back to economics, a chinaman, who drop ourt of school @ 17 years of age, and starts working as a mechanic/hairdresser/technician/cook will probably own his own business/hair dressing saloon/workshop/restaurant at 30 years of age, get married and buy a house with enough money in hand to support the familay and contribute to the local economy by employing others and paying taxes.
    A malay NEP scholar, on the other hand will probably be enrolled into a college or university earning nothing until age 24, whereby the govenrment will be forced to employ them in the civil service, and will be a burden to the economy until his death.
    My two cents worth.


    • #2 by darahtuah on April 8, 2010 - 2:03 pm

      Dear sputjam,

      1. The Malays, Chinese, Mat Salleh and all other races have their share of good and bad leaders.

      2. The Chinese are equally emotional as other races; so also there are pragmatic people amongst all races. No race monopolises either one of these qualities.

      3. Yes, the school curriculumn needs to revised to support NEM and future needs which emphasises more on self employment.

      4. U should compare the Malay boy who studies until U-level with that of the Chinese boy who does the same and the Chinese boy who drops after PMR with that of the Malay boy who works after failed his PMR.

      5. NEP – admittedly there were weaknesses in its implemetation; the same goes for other policies in Malaysia or outside. But, as I always maintained, ALL races have benefitted from NEP. Please read my relevant articles in my blog. One should learn to be grateful and don’t be dogmatic / self-centered.

      6. The economy – private and public sectors – surely requires workers to be its engine of growth.

      7. Yes, the Chinese pay more taxes; but don’t forget they are the ones who expropriate the most from the subsidy, incentives and grants dished out by the government. In fact, it was the Chinese Businessmen who are suffering from the subsidy disease and vehemently objecting the abolishment of the same.

      8. If there is anything the Malays want to blame their former leaders, it was the granting of CITIZENSHIP to the immigrants during the Merdeka negotiation.

      Darah Tuah


  2. #3 by Dr. H on April 1, 2010 - 4:20 pm

    Datuk, Saya percaya MEB tidak sama dengan DEB. MEB nampaknya lebih berobjektif membina penswastaan. Ke arah pendapatan tinggi, tetapi siapakah mereka yang akan mendapat keuntungan daripada MEB? Saya percaya bukan kalangan yang tercicir(ketirisan) dalam DEB yang lalu. Kita sebenarnya hanya cuba membina ikon-ikon seperti Coca Cola, JCY dan MAXIS serta Petronas yang mampu menjadi gergasi di dunia global, tetapi saya setuju Datuk, MEB nampaknya tidak menunjukkan metode secara konstruktif untuk menjanakan pendapatan penduduk yang jauh di pendalaman atau mengatasi jurang kemiskinan bandar luar – bandar yang tinggi.


  3. #4 by arshad on April 4, 2010 - 12:29 am

    Bantu kami berkembang: Blog tuan/puan ini telah kami link di website kami (Bahagian Blogroll), harap tuan/puan dapat pertimbangkan dengan meletakan link kami pula di

    blog tuan/puan, mungkin membantu meningkatkan bilangan pembaca kedua pihak….Terima kasih


  4. #5 by Hang Nadim on April 6, 2010 - 2:01 am

    Datuk. My first comment in your blog.

    Dlm sibuk duk nak improve the lot of the so-called bottom 40%, jgn kita lupa peranan DEB dlm melahirkan the Malay middle class.

    Middle class ini pulak ada sub2 categorynya. My point is the lowest rung of the middle class, bordering with the lower class, also needs special attention. Their inability to go up or possible regress back into lower class must be arrested.

    An effective strategy and detailed policy and programmes must be drawn out so that the size of the middle class can be increased and sustained. Otherwise, it wil likely contribute towards social “instability” or imbalance.



  5. #6 by darahtuah on April 8, 2010 - 2:34 pm

    Dear Dr H / Hang Nadim,

    I’ve glanced at the NEM report. In general term, the ploicy seems to be rich-/business-biased. They are set to get all the WEALTH of the country in the name of meritocracy, transparency and free competition. This group will largely come from one race.

    Nonetheless, NEM also pays attention to improve the bottom 40% group (dominated by one race). Their income will be increased mainly thru’ improvemment in WAGES.

    If this apprehension does become a reality, the outcome and impact of Fish-Bowl Theory will materialise in 2020!

    Economic and social justice will take a back seat. The country’s socio-economic imbalance will go back to pre-1970 and Malaysia will likely suffer from ‘The British Disease’.

    So, we’ve to help the PM to modify / improve NEM before it is finalised.

    Darah Tuah.


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